Silver Color (#c0c0c0)


Silver is a medium-light shade of gray with the hex code #c0c0c0 that exhibits a cool metallic tone. This color value falls almost exactly midway in the grayscale range, with RGB values of 192 for each component, corresponding to a decimal value of approximately 75% of the maximum value. The hexadecimal color code indicates that there is an equal proportion of red, green, and blue in this color, creating its characteristic neutral hue.

In many cultures around the world, Silver has long been associated with elegance, refinement, and wealth due to its connection with the precious metal of the same name. Silver as a color in visual arts and design was utilized significantly in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, often to depict important artifacts, nobility, and divinity, given its association with the precious metal.

In the fashion and design industries, Silver is often employed to impart a sleek, modern, and luxurious feel to designs. Silver is also widely used in the automotive industry due to its association with modernity and technology. In digital and print media, it is frequently used in graphics, logos, and other elements to evoke a sense of sophistication and innovation. In web design and software, the color silver is often used to signify secondary content or to provide a visually pleasing contrast with other colors.

In the RGB color space, the color Silver has the values (192, 192, 192), being composed of 75.3% Red (R), 75.3% Green (G), and 75.3% Blue (B).

In the HSL color space, the color Silver has a hue of 0 degrees, a saturation of 0.0% and a lightness of 75.3%.

In the CMYK color space, Silver is composed of 0 parts of Cyan (C), 0 parts of Magenta (M), 0 parts of Yellow (Y), and 25 parts of Black (K).

Silver Color Codes

RGB192, 192, 192rgb(192, 192, 192)
RGB Percent75.3%, 75.3%, 75.3%rgb(75.3%, 75.3%, 75.3%)
RGB 0-10.7529, 0.7529, 0.7529color(srgb 0.7529 0.7529 0.7529)CSS 4
HSL0°, 0.0%, 75.3%hsl(0, 0.0%, 75.3%)
CMYK0, 0, 0, 25
LAB (D50)77.70, 0.00, 0.00lab(77.70 0.00 0.00)CSS 4
LCH (D50)77.70, 0.00, 0.00°lch(77.70 0.00 0.00)CSS 4
OKLAB0.8078, 0.0000, 0.0000oklab(0.8078 0.0000 0.0000)CSS 4
OKLCH0.8078, 0.0000, 0.00°oklch(0.8078 0.0000 0.00)CSS 4
XYZ (D50)0.5083, 0.5271, 0.4349color(xyz-d50 0.5083 0.5271 0.4349)CSS 4
XYZ (D65)0.5010, 0.5271, 0.5741color(xyz-d65 0.5010 0.5271 0.5741)CSS 4

Tints, Shades & Tones of Silver Color

Tints, shades, and tones can be used to create unique effects in art and design. By using tints, shades, and tones, you can add depth and dimension to your work.


A tint is a lightened color, achieved by adding white. This can create a softer, more delicate look.



A shade is a darkened color, achieved by adding black. This can create a richer, more dramatic look.



A tone is a muted color, achieved by adding gray. This can create a more subtle, sophisticated look.

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